How Do I Build Maximum Strength?
stronger, bigger Adam Fisher stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

How Do I Build Maximum Strength?

Training for strength is remarkably similar to training for any athletic goal, and a lot simpler than people make it out to be. Still, it’s very possible to mess things up by getting in your own head and having the wrong mentality and approach. Here, we go over what it takes to become as strong as humanly possible.

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The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up
healthier Adam Fisher healthier Adam Fisher

The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up

There’s a lot of argument about what the right kind of exercise is, if you want to lose weight. The answer is, it probably doesn’t matter - so long as you’re actually exercising consistently. Different activities can certainly have different secondary effects aside from burning calories, and this should be considered in the context of what goals you have for your training aside from weight loss.

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Powerbuilding For Dummies - Strength And Size
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

Powerbuilding For Dummies - Strength And Size

Powerbuilding is the act of combining powerlifting and bodybuilding training - both size and strength - in order to have a good mix of the two. While there’s some natural affinity between these pursuits, there are also ways that you can easily mess it up, resulting in loss of progress. In particular, diet is a point of weakness, and requires a lot of care in order to pull off properly, especially if you have competitive goals. If you do it right - you can certainly get the best of both worlds.

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Fitness for 'Anti-Aging'
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Fitness for 'Anti-Aging'

“Health” is an often overlooked aspect of the health and fitness industry, which tends to prioritize young fit individuals over the actual needs of older individuals training for health. As we age, the normal process is for aging to undo a lot of our hard earned gains, but we can age gracefully by keeping up the right routine. To optimize for health, you probably need to work out a lot less than you think.

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