The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness

The trend of ‘functional’ fitness aims to train exercisers with movements that are supposedly more likely to carry over to practical everyday uses. However, in doing so, many ‘functional’ recommendations contradict long-standing, well-researched and evidence-based practices in fitness, to the detriment of their followers. Unfortunately, there is something that functional fitness is uniquely good at - gathering attention on social media via highly viral, unusual movements likely to attract attention because of their novelty.

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Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains

There are strong diminishing returns to additional sets per workout, and additional workouts per week. Contrary to popular belief, a simple workout routine consisting of 2 workouts per week is enough to get 80% of the benefits of exercise with 20% of the effort. For people who do not have significant athletic or aesthetic goals, this is more than sufficient in most cases.

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Do Dumbbells or Barbells Produce Superior Results?
bigger, healthier, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, healthier, stronger Adam Fisher

Do Dumbbells or Barbells Produce Superior Results?

Most lifters train primarily with bilateral exercises, in which both arms or legs are working simultaneously. However, unilateral exercises, in which individual limbs act with independent loading, have their own strengths and weaknesses - and they may be superior depending on your training needs. Here I analyze some of the strengths and weaknesses of each.

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