Meditating On 12 Years Of Fitness Blogging
What’s it like writing for 12 years straight for a fitness blog?

What Happened to All the Bloggers?
In 2012, the most popular and influential creators had blogs, which inspired new people to get into blogging and writing. Few of those blogs are still around, with creators either having shifted focus or vanishing completely. Even if it’s not currently the most popular way of sharing your business or your thoughts, there’s value with sticking with something like blogging if you truly enjoy it.

99% Of Fitness Content Is Garbage
There’s a finite amount of information that can be shared about fitness and a limited number of ways to say it. Only a small portion of the fitness industry is doing research into actually new ideas and methods. Those who aren’t doing that either produce - at best - fluff content or - at worst - misleading or unverified information.