Tapering And Peaking: Overlooked Tools For Maximizing Strength
Tapering and peaking can easily add 2-5% to your max lifts without much of any effort at all - in fact, it’s so deceptively easy that many people mess it up by training too hard. Here’s how you can taper and peak properly to maximize your strength for competition or max testing.
How Frequently Should You Lift For Maximum Results?
How frequently should you train? How often should you train a particular body part per week? Frequency is a hot topic in fitness lately, and here’s what all the latest research tells us.

Combining HIT, HIHF, and DUP to Gain Strength and Size With Minimal Gym Time
HIT, HIHF, and DUP are three different kinds of programming, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. I've found a way to combine them to create a superior program that enables to continue to build strength and muscle despite requiring minimal gym time.