All About Dropsets, And Why I Flap My Arms Like A Bird At The Gym
Dropsets are a time-honored technique for getting in more training volume, quickly. Do they work? The answer is “sometimes”. Plus, a dropset that I love to use, that involves looking like a bird at the gym.

The Rest Period Broscience Is Wrong
The old-school belief is that we needed to vary rest periods depending on how strength or endurance focused we wanted our adaptations to be, as well as how much metabolic stress we want to provoke. Recent research suggests otherwise.
How Frequently Should You Lift For Maximum Results?
How frequently should you train? How often should you train a particular body part per week? Frequency is a hot topic in fitness lately, and here’s what all the latest research tells us.

How To Use Light Weights To Get Big
It used to be believed that you could only build muscle with sufficiently heavy weights. Last week's analysis of "no load" exercise showed that it's not that simple. Here's a bigger overview of how you can build muscle with any amount of weight.
"No Load" Exercise For Those With Impaired Function
It's widely believed that certain people "can't" lift weights. However, recent research shows that even "no load" exercise can produce muscular growth, making it an important tool for training around injury or disability. This article covers the theory and some of the practical methods of this approach.