Powerbuilding For Dummies - Strength And Size
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

Powerbuilding For Dummies - Strength And Size

Powerbuilding is the act of combining powerlifting and bodybuilding training - both size and strength - in order to have a good mix of the two. While there’s some natural affinity between these pursuits, there are also ways that you can easily mess it up, resulting in loss of progress. In particular, diet is a point of weakness, and requires a lot of care in order to pull off properly, especially if you have competitive goals. If you do it right - you can certainly get the best of both worlds.

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The Only Strength Program That Ever Worked
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

The Only Strength Program That Ever Worked

I spent a decade of training that progressed a lot slower than it could have, because it turns out that one of the first strength programs I ever tried is (still) the best program I’ve ever used. I spent a long time trying out every strength training program under the sun, only to come back to this because it kept working. Here’s what sets this program apart from the rest, and why it works so well.

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Advanced Methods For Making Infinite Gains
healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

Advanced Methods For Making Infinite Gains

Most exercisers struggle to progress in the long run because they select exercise progressions which are too fast, and don’t have the right understanding of how to slow down progressions as gains slow down naturally over time. Linear periodization commonly falls into this group, and is how a lot of exercisers burn out early. In the long run, any progression can be sustainable, so long as you DO slow down the progression over time. In this post, I go over 3 advanced methods I use with my own workouts and with my clients to ensure that gains can progress indefinitely with minimal issue - adding volume, adding training sessions, and splitting volume up into more exercises.

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Optimal Pectoral Size Training
bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher

Optimal Pectoral Size Training

There are different strategies for training pectorals depending on if your goal is size, strength, or a combination of both. In general, the muscles in the upper body recover more quickly, meaning that you can/should train those lifts more frequently. The pectorals benefit from exercises that push wider ranges of motion - which is why the barbell bench press isn’t the ideal exercise for increasing pec size. Paused reps, “squeezing,” and slow, deliberate movement are key. Inclines and variations are also important to target all of the pectoral muscle fibers. Be sure to include horizontal presses, vertical presses from below, and the incline fly.

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Paused Reps In Your Training
stronger, smarter, healthier, more durable Adam Fisher stronger, smarter, healthier, more durable Adam Fisher

Paused Reps In Your Training

Pauses in reps can be very useful for building muscle mass and practicing strict form, especially when doing higher reps or exercises where you tend to zone out or speed through. Pauses at the bottom of each rep helps keep you aware of your form as well as letting your muscles re-engage for the second part of the lift. Pause reps can be a great way to add more difficulty to your workouts, but it’s best to assess each lift to see if it will be beneficial.

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