There Is No Goal
Often exercisers set unrealistic goals, especially in the short term, which can easily demotivate them when they’re not achieved. Sometimes it can be best to not make goals at all, focus on making consistent and steady progress by continuing to exercise.

The Simplest Way To Get In Amazing Shape
The 80/20 principal states that in any field, you can get 80% of results with only 20% of effort, and the last 20% will take the last 80% of the effort. This is meant to be encouraging that you can a lot of good results without having to dedicate all of your time and energy. When it comes to fitness, the 80/20 principle can be applied to build very straightforward routines that will work - if you’re able to stick with it long enough.

You Should Buy Fractional Plates
Fractional plates are lightweight plates (typically half pound incraments between 0.5 through 2.0lbs or their kilogram equivalents) that can be added to barbells or dumbbells to allow for a greater range of weight between full plates/dumbells. Fractional plates can be very useful for beginner and experienced lifters alike.

Fitness For Busy Parents
Busy parents often find it difficult to work out. However, it can be easier than you think to develop a good habit, especially if you follow a flexible plan that enables you to adapt to your situation. Here, I discuss the methods I like to use with clients who struggle with this exact situation.