Rest Periods Revisited
This post continues on from an older post about rest periods, and clarifies some of the potential nuances involved. In particular, while longer rest periods may be better, this needs to be considered in the context of a lot of other variables, and being proactive about managing your workouts based on total volume of training (rather than individual variables like rest periods) may be more meaningful overall. This also helps to explain why some lifters can get away with not following strict programming, training by feel, while still seeing great results.

Understanding Grip Strength Regulation
Grip strength autoregulation can be a useful tool in order to maximize your workouts on any given day - grip strength is a good indicator of full body readiness. If your grip strength is good, then you typically do a more challenging workout, versus a low grip strength which may be a sign to hold back or modify your workouts. Generally, grip strength testing is simple and easy to use, but should still be used intelligently in the context of your training program.

A Humble Proposal: Factoring Percentage of Reps Into Reps In Reserve Calculations
RPE (ratings of perceived exertion) and RIR (reps in reserve) can be useful training tools for some sports where the goal is to train to failure or near failure, but there is no catch-all number that works for all exercises. Generally, RPE is used for managing heavy efforts of weight or reps, and not for exercises where training to failure or near failure would inhibit the continuation of training like working on endurance for running a marathon. Instead of static numbers, RPE/RIR can function as a percentage of total effort to be applied to a wider range of workouts.

The Flywheel Box - The Best Piece of Training Equipment You've Never Heard Of
During lockdown, I’ve discovered a useful, less-known training method that works especially well in the home setting: the flywheel box. Some thoughts about this unique training method and how you can best use it.
The Science of Tabata and HIIT
HIIT and Tabata are names for popular exercise programs that involve training via intervals. This long post examines the science behind these programs, what they get wrong, and what they get right.