Fitness For Mental Health
Fitness is one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit for managing mental health - when used properly. Here, I examine some of the science behind the use of fitness for managing mental health, as well as some of the under-discussed benefits.

Where Does Laziness Come From?
Everyone has periods of laziness - it’s part of being human. People probably aren’t inherently lazy; there are environmental and situational factors that contribute to why we procrastinate or avoid doing “work.” If people take the time to examine why they’re being “lazy,” they’ll most likely realize the reasons behind their behavior.

Why Is Lifting Weights Objectively More Fun?
Resistance training is the most fun and empowering way to train because strength gains are more immediate, noticeable, and can be easily tracked. Progress and results that are more nebulous and subjective do not give the same sense of accomplishment, which is why making fitness goals around something that constantly fluctuates like bodyweight is generally unsatisfying. Strength training and other skill based exercises can help people live the lives they want to, and it’s important to find what works best for your life and body.
Why First Impressions Matter - In Relationships And In Fitness
First impressions initially seem like they shouldn’t be important, but the reality is that they’re a crucial make-it-or-break-it moment for interpersonal relationships. Likewise, when learning a new skill or developing a fitness habit, the initial steps are a crucial chance to set yourself up for success (or failure).

I've Been Addicted To Being Busy
For the last few years, I’ve been absolutely addicted to being busy, and it’s taken a toll on my work. How I learned to recently renew my work life balance.