Lifting Aids
stronger, bigger, smarter Adam Fisher stronger, bigger, smarter Adam Fisher

Lifting Aids

Lifting aids like straps, wraps, and belts are useful tools for heavy lifters who are looking to maximize their muscle and strength building. They can also aid in preventing injury while training difficult and high weight lifts. When used properly, lifting aids help you train harder, longer, and more efficiently. Improper usage can cause issues, but that risk is minimal when you adhere to safe practices.

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Work Out Smarter, Not Harder
smarter, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher smarter, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

Work Out Smarter, Not Harder

A training program does need to be smart in order to produce long term gains in a safe and effective manner. A well designed program uses periodization, the manipulation of training variables (sets, reps, weight, intensity, etc.), in order to keep workouts challenging over time as you get stronger, and ensure optimal gains.

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Are Jumps A Good Training Exercise?
Healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher Healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

Are Jumps A Good Training Exercise?

Jumps are an excellent exercise for developing explosive power, and are absolutely essential in many athletic programs. At the same time, they have some serious drawbacks that make them less good of a fit for most other exercisers. Despite this, jumps have a popularity that seems to exceed their general usefulness, in part driven by social media.

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How Do I Build Maximum Strength?
stronger, bigger Adam Fisher stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

How Do I Build Maximum Strength?

Training for strength is remarkably similar to training for any athletic goal, and a lot simpler than people make it out to be. Still, it’s very possible to mess things up by getting in your own head and having the wrong mentality and approach. Here, we go over what it takes to become as strong as humanly possible.

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Are full range of motion or lengthened partials better for building muscle and strength?
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

Are full range of motion or lengthened partials better for building muscle and strength?

Full range of motion and partials are two methods for varying your lifting, which involve manipulating the distance that you move the weight. Research generally showed that full range of motion is better than partials, but recent research has started to change on this subject. Recently, the training of “lengthened partials” came around, and shows us that actually, partials may sometimes be better than full range of motion.

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