Underused Movements - The Viper Press/Muscle Snatch
The viper press/muscle snatch are similar exercises that strengthen and build muslce in key parts of the body like the shoulders, back, and traps. Although not suitable for beginners or casual exercisers, the viper press/muscle snatch can be very beneficial for strength athletes like powerlifters, olympic weightlifters, and CrossFitters.

Developing The Delts
The deltoids are an important muscle group that work in conjunction with the back, shoulders, and pectorals. They are a small muscle group and therefore they grow more slowly. Training them is a long term goal that requires patience, strict form, and more patience. The trapezius muscles (traps) are also key in developing the delts and are also difficult to isolate and train individually. There are many excercises that help specifically build up the delts and traps, but they can also be trained during your normal lifting routine. The posterior delts are the least targeted during regular training so if you want to develop the delts, make sure you focus on this area.

All About Dropsets, And Why I Flap My Arms Like A Bird At The Gym
Dropsets are a time-honored technique for getting in more training volume, quickly. Do they work? The answer is “sometimes”. Plus, a dropset that I love to use, that involves looking like a bird at the gym.