When Do We Physically Peak? (Peaking Part 2)
Olympic weightlifting is the main professional lifting competition, but Olympic athletes cannot be used to assess averages for lifters. The people who make it to the Olympics have genetic and social advantages that make them the best in the world.
The margin of winning at these high levels is so small that even the most dedicated and talented athletes may never make it to the Olympic Games and could quit trying to compete well before their physical peak.
Research in masters lifting has shown that most lifters were physically peaking between ages 30-35, and although their abilities do start decreasing, it’s at a much smaller and slower rate than people tend to expect.
Career peaking is a social construct and should not be used as the only way to measure expected performance and growth.
How To Start Powerlifting
Powerlifting is the simplest sport of strength, and is a great test of strength ability. Powerlifting is also scalable to all lifters, making it widely accessible so long as you can train for it. In recent years, the popularity of the sport has surged, but there's still a lack of good information out there. Here's how to get started.