The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness

The trend of ‘functional’ fitness aims to train exercisers with movements that are supposedly more likely to carry over to practical everyday uses. However, in doing so, many ‘functional’ recommendations contradict long-standing, well-researched and evidence-based practices in fitness, to the detriment of their followers. Unfortunately, there is something that functional fitness is uniquely good at - gathering attention on social media via highly viral, unusual movements likely to attract attention because of their novelty.

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Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results
Adam Fisher Adam Fisher

Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results

In most situations, sweat isn’t well correlated with the quality of your workouts or the results you’re getting. In fact, in many cases, chasing excessive sweating could result in decreased results, if you were trying to optimize for sweat alone.

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Fitness Is Boring
healthier, gamer Adam Fisher healthier, gamer Adam Fisher

Fitness Is Boring

Contrary to expectations, a good fitness approach is actually pretty boring. It’s not about pushing hard and being intense - it’s about finding a slow, sustainable approach that you can stick to for many years consistently. Over time, small incremental changes add up to bigger results.

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