Learning Two Languages At Once - And General Tips For Practicing Any Pair Of Skills
Learning two languages at once is not generally recommended - but at the same time, it’s hard to learn a second language without continuing to practice the one you learned previously. I believe that learning two languages at once is certainly possible, but you need to take the right approach to ensure you succeed. Here are the tips I’ve been using.

Thoughts On Forgetting A Language
Everyone talks about learning a new language, but what about forgetting a language you used to know? What you should be doing, both to learn a language and to ensure that your time and energy doesn’t go to waste.

More Tips and Tricks For Mastering A New Language
Here are more tips and tricks I’ve learned for learning and practicing a new language, this time focusing on methods that you can easily and immediately start using from home.

How I Learned Danish, and My Tips For Learning A New Language
Danish is considered one of the harder languages to learn, but I've found that it's not as bad as I expected. Here are some tips on learning languages that I've picked up in learning two new languages.