The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up
healthier Adam Fisher healthier Adam Fisher

The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up

There’s a lot of argument about what the right kind of exercise is, if you want to lose weight. The answer is, it probably doesn’t matter - so long as you’re actually exercising consistently. Different activities can certainly have different secondary effects aside from burning calories, and this should be considered in the context of what goals you have for your training aside from weight loss.

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Fitness For Busy Parents
healthier, happier Adam Fisher healthier, happier Adam Fisher

Fitness For Busy Parents

Busy parents often find it difficult to work out. However, it can be easier than you think to develop a good habit, especially if you follow a flexible plan that enables you to adapt to your situation. Here, I discuss the methods I like to use with clients who struggle with this exact situation.

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Fitness For Desk Workers
healthier, more productive Adam Fisher healthier, more productive Adam Fisher

Fitness For Desk Workers

Large quantities of sitting are negatively associated with long term health - and unfortunately, many of us don’t have the luxury of getting away from our desks. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to offset these negative effects to ensure optimal health in the long run - desk work is far from a death sentence!

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