FREE Video Course
Reset and master your relationship with fitness and diet in just 14 days, using minimalist workouts.
I've put together a FREE workshop that teaches you the magic of minimalist fitness, and how you can go from zero to superhero without wasting endless hours in the gym.
Includes daily emails, 14 videos busting training and diet related myths, workout templates for a variety of skill levels and equipment, and a support Facebook group.
Free, but limited spots.
Sign up now!
What’s the program about?
We use a minimalist workout approach to achieve better results with less time.
We help you unlearn limiting fitness industry myths and misconceptions that hold you back.
We teach you The Stuff That Matters in fitness & health so that you know how to spend your energy effectively.
We provide you the social support, structure, and long term planning needed to fix your relationship with fitness.

Why listen to me?
hey there, I’m Adam.
I didn’t start out as a natural exerciser. For a long time, everything was difficult for me.
I’m a huge nerd who started out lifting to manage depression and anxiety, and this turned into a passion and a career as a personal trainer and fitness coach with over 15 years of experience.
Over the years, even as a fitness professional, I’ve fallen into a TON of unhealthy training habits.
I became obsessed with maximalist approaches - training 25+ hours per week in an attempt to be as strong and muscular as possible.
But the thing is - it didn’t work. Even with all that effort, I saw minimal results, and fitness consumed my life. I developed a disordered relationship with food and fitness.
I was forced to go back to the drawing board and relearn from the start. I decided to hone my approach to just focusing on the bare minimum, the essentials, which I call the Stuff That Matters, and no more.
The results shocked me - I started getting BETTER results, with only a fraction of the training time. This mindset shift allowed me to rebalance my relationship with fitness and diet, and push to new levels of strength and muscularity that I thought were long since tapped out.
Now I’m still a nerd - but at least I’m a pretty jacked nerd, I guess!
I created the 14 Day Unlearning Fitness Challenge program as a way to share this hard-earned personal journey with you, and ensure that you, too, can get world-class results with minimal effort.
This program is focused on helping you cut through the BS and teach you the Stuff That Actually Matters for seeing results, enabling you to develop the minimal workout mindset that you need in order to see superior fitness results with less effort.
140lb nerd
Free, but limited spots:
What’s In The Program?